Yoshizawa Charcoal Small Grill Pan Plate 4"


This is a creative plate modeled on a grill pan in a matte charcoal color. The handle is round and slightly higher than the vessel. Its exquisite angle makes it very easy to hold. It is a plate that makes you feel excited about what to use it for. The series has two sizes, and this 4" small plate is perfect for side dishes, fruits, and desserts, or used as a condiment plate or a chopstick rest. It looks just like a grill pan that can be served directly on the table, creating a stylish and unique visual effect. 

- Size: L 15.5 x W 10.5 x H 3 cm (4" Dia)
- Material: Ceramic
- Made in Japan
- Notes:

  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • No direct fire, oven, or IH stove. 
  • The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly.

這是一款以烤盤外型為設計的用餐器皿,可愛的把手配上烤盤獨有的線條刻紋,讓你無論擺上什麼餐點都非常可愛。木炭灰的色澤,不只與器型完美融合,更能凸現出料理的色澤。系列有大小兩款,此款 4" 小盤精巧的模樣,很適合盛裝簡單的配菜、調味料,或是當作筷架使用,為餐桌增添活潑氣氛!

- 尺寸:L 15.5 x W 10.5 x H 3 cm (4" Dia)
- 材質:陶器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:
  • 洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火、IH爐不可用。
  • 此商品為手作陶器,每個色彩和形狀會存在些許個體差異,呈現鐵斑、氣孔、釉痕皆爲正常現象,並不影響使用。首次使用前,建議用洗米水浸泡 5-10 分鐘,冷水冲洗乾净,自然晾乾即可。