MBTI Reusable Lid


This lid is specially designed for the popular tumblers that have the16 MBTI personal types on it. Made of safe material, it is lightweight, detachable and reusable. It has a curved spout and also a straw hole on it, to meet different ways of enjoying drinks. The two new colors, green and pink, are cute and pretty. 

- Size: Fits tumblers with a rim diameter of 7.3 cm
- Material: LDPE (70°C~90°C)
- Made in South Korea

此款專為最近爆紅的MBTI 16 人格隨行杯設計的杯蓋,由可重複使用的安全環保材質打造,獨特的曲線設計,能讓就口處更流暢舒適,並加設吸管孔洞,滿足不同飲品的享用方式。新推出的綠、粉兩款新色,沉穩有質感卻不失亮眼度的色澤,將讓水壺配件的可愛度再升級,有習慣隨身攜帶環保杯具的人,一定要擁有這款!

- 尺寸:適用杯口直徑 7.3 cm 的隨行杯
- 材質:LDPE(耐熱溫度 70°C~90°C)
- 產地:韓國