Blending hon-wasabi (Japanese wasabi) with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) made in Spain, this oil exhibits the rich aroma and taste from hon-wasabi, creating an exciting harmony with EVOO. The carefully selected EVOO moderates the pungency of wasabi, which in turn allows wasabi’s genuine umami to stand out. The producer of this premier seasoning oil is Kaneku, a long-standing wasabi specialty manufacturer in the Okutama region of Tokyo. The area known as Okutama Valley has a natural setting and pristine water that are ideal for cultivating the wasabi plant, and this has helped the company establish its wasabi business. Kaneku’s Wasabi-Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil can easily add a unique accent to your dish whether you’re cooking Western, Japanese, or Asian cuisine.
由有百年歷史的 Kaneku 芥末名店製作,將日本的山葵與西班牙的初榨橄欖油完美融合,展現出濃郁的香氣和風味,為料理增添驚艷的層次,是吃貨們絕對不能錯過的調料!
-規格:180 g
-保存期限:12 個月(未開封且正常條件保存)