Nordic Style Soup Bowl with Lid 4.5"


Inspired by Vejle, a seaside town in Denmark, this bowl well captures the unique purity and harmony of nature. It has a simple and modern design with exquisite workmanship details. The air hole on the the lid makes it a perfect container for making steamed eggs. Available in three gentle colors, it is microwave and oven safe, which is convenient for cooking stews dishes, soup and desserts. 

- Size: L 14.8 x W 12 x H 8 cm (4.5" Dia, 430 ml)
- Material: Ceramic
- Made in South Korea
- Notes: Dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe. No direct fire. 


以丹麥的海濱小鎮 Vejle 為靈感所設計的系列餐具,捕捉下大自然獨有的純粹及和諧,透過簡約且現代的色系,搭配精緻的做工細節,為餐桌捎來一股寧靜的美好。蓋子上的氣孔設計,使它成為製作蒸蛋的最佳容器,可直接放入微波爐及烤箱中烹飪,無論做燉菜、燉肉、濃湯、或甜品都很合適,為日常增添便利與美感!

- 尺寸:L 14.8 x W 12 x H 8 cm (4.5" Dia, 430 ml)
- 材質:陶瓷
- 產地:韓國
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱可用,直火不可用