Foldable Cutting Board


With a special folding design, this cutting board does not need to worry about getting stuck on the countertop. It is B4 paper size when unfolded and B5 size when folded, which allow you to use it freely according to the size of ingredients. It is also very convenient to take it to camping or outdoor barbecues. It is antibacterial, heat resistance, and dishwasher safe. Since it can be folded, you can quickly put the cut ingredients in the pot or frying pan. It can stand up itself for drying too. What a smart design!

- Size: L 36.5 x W 25.7 x H 0.2 cm
- Material: Polypropylene
- Made in China
- Notes: Dishwasher safe


此款不需要擔心在流理台上卡位置的摺疊切菜板,攤開時為 B4 紙大小,折疊時為 B5,讓你根據食材尺寸自由運用,帶去露營、旅館使用也十分便利。具抗菌、耐熱特點,能放入洗碗機裡清洗烘乾,不怕滋長細菌,衛生安心。可折疊式的板身,在切完蔬果後就能直接拿起將其順延倒入鍋中或盤子上,不必沾手就能移動食材,亦能立著晾乾,可說是相當聰明的設計!

- 尺寸:L 36.5 x W 25.7 x H 0.2 cm
- 材質:PP(耐熱 100°C)
- 產地:中國
- 注意事項:洗碗機可用