Le Bouquet Cup & Saucer


“Le bouquet” is French for a bundle of flowers. The cup and saucer feature beautiful and three-dimensional flower shapes, just like a gorgeous bouquet blooming on your table. The curved cup handle also presents an elegant vibe. Available in three soft colors, which greatly match the flower-shaped utensils. Enjoy a relaxed and exquisite tea time using this cup and saucer set. The graceful and delicate appearance make this a nice choice as a gift set as well. 

- Size: Cup 12.9 x 10 x H 6.2 cm (190 ml), Saucer 15.2 x H 3.1 cm (6” Dia) 
- Material: Porcelain
- Made in Japan
- Notes: 
  • Microwave and dishwasher safe.
  • No oven or direct fire.
  • The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly. 

Le bouquet的法語意思是一束鮮花,此系列是想像著喝茶時歡聲笑語的場景而製作的。杯子和盤子具有美麗而立體的花朵形狀,宛如茶桌上盛開的絢麗花束,杯柄的曲綫造型也呈現優雅的氛圍,氣質十足。三種淡雅柔和的糖果色調,與花形杯盤十分相配,陪你度過一個精緻休閑的下午茶時光,也非常適合作爲禮物,美的分享!

- 尺寸:Cup 12.9 x 10 x H 6.2 cm (190 ml), Saucer 15.2 x H 3.1 cm (6” Dia) 
- 材質:陶器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:微波爐、洗碗機可用,烤箱不可用