Ceramic Still Green Vase

$73.00 Regular price

With a unique design portraying solely the contour of a flower vase, this vase not only can be used as a single-flower vase, but could also be enjoyed as an art object. 

It comes in three sizes for different placement and presentation. The small vase has a rounded outline and can be used for shorter flowers and plants. The medium one has a clean and simple shape like a glass bottle, which is suitable for slender flowers. The large vase is the most popular size and easy to match with different plants. The stylish hollow design and sharp outline beautifully reflect the shadows under natural light and lighting. 

- Size:
Small W 11 x D 5.5 x H 10.5 cm
Medium W 10.5 x D 5.5 x H 19 cm
Large W 16 x D 7 x H 24 cm

- Material: Ceramic
- Made in Japan


1973 年於瀨戶地區創立的 Ceramic Japan,陶瓷產品多以較抽象的藝術型態展現,品牌亦與許多陶藝設計師共同開發出不同取向的產品線,將傳統技術與現代生活方式相融合,兼顧實用性與藝術性,多款產品榮獲國內外設計大獎。

來自設計師 Yuko Tokuda 的這款花瓶,共有三種尺寸大小,分別適合不同的擺放和呈現方式。小花瓶輪廓線條圓潤,可用於較矮的花卉和綠植;中花瓶如玻璃瓶般乾淨簡約,插上一朵細長的花卉即能為房間增添雅緻感;大花瓶是人氣最高的尺寸,輪廓鮮明,把手設計時尚高雅,推薦用於鮮花或者帶有清涼感的綠植。以白瓷勾勒出花瓶的輪廓,一枝獨秀的設計,僅當作家中擺飾也很賞心悅目。而獨特的鏤空設計,在陽光和光線下所產生的瓶身影子,有份說不出的寧靜美感!

- 尺寸:
小 W 11 x D 5.5 x H 10.5 cm
中 W 10.5 x D 5.5 x H 19 cm
大 W 16 x D 7 x H 24 cm

- 材質:瓷器
- 產地:日本