Border Square Plate 9.5"


This plate has a frame-like decoration that surrounds the food served. Raising the edges from the flat raised surface creates shadows and accentuates the decoration, just like its name "Border". Available in two calm colors, beige white and indigo, which make the grilled fish stand out. The 24 cm square plate is the perfect size for opening horse mackerel. It is also a great for breakfast, appetizers, sweets, and 3 items of rice balls and side dishes. The logo imprinted on the back is a cool finish in contrast with the color of the soil. 

- Size: L 23.8 x W 15.6 x H 1.6 cm (9.5" x 6")
- Material: Pottery
- Made in Japan
- Notes: 
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • No oven or direct fire.
  • The glaze finish and texture might vary slightly. 

此盤以「將擺盤料理裱框」為設計概念,取名為 Border,足夠的空間讓享用魚料理更加美味、方便!略帶焦痕的白色款,柔和的色澤使料理更顯美觀;而靛藍款則能呈現出沉穩氛圍。從平滑的盤面到立體的盤緣,堆疊出自然的陰影效果,讓擺盤獨具風格。24 公分角盤,拿來擺放剖開的竹莢魚最剛好,亦可盛裝派對前菜、下酒菜、小蛋糕或早餐輕食等,用途十分多元。翻到盤底,施有釉藥的凹刻文字又是另一道風景,各種精緻細節值得你細細品味!

- 尺寸:L 23.8 x W 15.6 x H 1.6 cm (9.5" x 6")
- 材質:陶器(studio m' 素材號碼 1)
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用