Nikii Mini Cutting Board 3P Set


The designer has packed a lot of functions into this mini-sized cutting board that is easy to use. It has a square shape with big round corners, which allows you to cut different ingredients while spinning, and also easy to transfer to a frying pan. Even though it is made of light and durable plastic, it can be washed in the dishwasher! It has a non-slip finish so that the ingredients do not fall. The hook hole is not only can be hung and stored, but can also be sued as a pasta measurer. 

- Size: L 18.5 x W 18.5 x H 0.3 cm
- Material: Polypropylene (-20℃~140℃)
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Dishwasher safe


這款方便攜帶的切菜板,使用輕便耐用的塑料製成,表面經過防滑處理,不怕食材滑落滾動,切完後可直接拿起倒入鍋中,輕鬆又省力。鏤空的圓圈設計,除了能當作掛鉤掛在廚房,同時也是測量義大利麵份量的工具!材質耐熱溫度達 140℃,可安全地放進洗碗機中清洗,達到殺菌效果。

- 尺寸:L 18.5 x W 18.5 x H 0.3 cm
- 材質:PP(耐熱溫度 -20℃~140℃)
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機可用