Eva Solo
The Denmark brand, Eva Solo, primarily consists of exclusively designed everyday products for the home. The keywords are simplicity, distinct lines and a high degree of functionality. The Eva Solo product categories are cooking, serving, living and outdoor. The high-quality design has won many international design awards, and Eva Solo has become a well-known brand!
Eva Solo來自丹麥,由擁有60多年歷史的厨具公司Eva Denmark和著名設計工作室Tools Design合作,以“實用機能、高品質、簡約有型”為品牌軸心,致力推出一系列改變生活方式的優秀作品。自1913創立迄今,從厨房用品起家,逐步走向全方位的生活系列,優質的設計更榮獲多項國際設計大展獎,成爲近年歐美精品當紅的知名品牌!
Eva Solo