Lip Intimate Care
Lip Intimate Care is an award-winning intimate care brand of Swedish heritage, passionate about creating high-quality and organic products to help care for women's intimate areas and health. By extracting plant oils, all products are natural, organic, non-toxic, preservative-free, biome friendly, and recommended by doctors and midwives.
Lip Intimate Care 被稱爲瑞典私密護理專家,榮獲瑞典有機美容獎,是女性護理口碑NO. 1,創造出高品質的有機產品來幫助護理女性私密部位,有效解決私密問題,維護女性健康。通過萃取植物油,所有產品都是天然、有機、無毒、不含防腐劑、生物群系友好,並受到衆多醫生和助產士的一致好評和推薦。
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