BALMUDA is a Tokyo-based creativity and technology company founded in 2003. They contribute to the world by using the power of technology to turn visions of the future into concrete reality. By thinking in entirely new ways, BALMUDA makes appliances offering unprecedented value and creates home appliances designed to deliver a thrilling, wonderful experience.
BALMUDA,與2003年成立於東京。為了給客戶提供高性能和富有創意的產品,奉行的理念是以簡求臻。即以精簡的零部件構成產品、以簡約的設計呈現優美、以節約的能耗實現理想效果。以讓人耳目一新的獨特創意,結合把零部件效率發揮到極至的工業設計,讓更多用戶受益於技術進步,通過BALMUDA 產品可以感受到美好的未來!