Yoshizawa Gama
Yoshizawa Gama is one of the most popular and renowned kilns for producing Mashiko ware in Japan today. Each vessel is handmade and has its own unique charm. The kiln specializes in creating pieces that match the seasons, often featuring shapes of animals, flowers, and foods. Since these vessels are produced in limited quantities, each seasonal release is highly sought after by fans.
日本職人吉澤窯 Yoshizawa 是目前日本最受歡迎和著名的益子燒窯之一。每件器皿皆為手工製作,質樸溫潤且觸感豐滿,具有獨特的魅力。該窯專注於製作符合季節主題的作品,常常呈現動物、花卉和食物的形狀。由於這些器皿是限量生產的,每季出品都受到粉絲們的熱烈追捧。
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