Mie prefecture in Japan has always been home to many famous Ceramic manufacturers. In 2005 four of these manufacturers, specialized in Japanese "Bankoyaki" Ceramics, decided to join forces and establish a new company called 4th-Market. The main focus is to create beautiful and practical pottery suitable for day to day use. All 4th-Market products are handmade, and all ceramic molds are created and maintained by highly experienced artisans.
日本的三重縣一直是許多著名陶瓷製造商的所在地。 2005 年,四家專門生產"Bankoyaki" 銀燒陶瓷的設計製造商決定聯手成立一家名為 4th-Market 的新公司,結合多年的專業知識,創造美觀、和諧、實用的現代化餐桌和廚具系列。產品都是由經驗豐富的工匠手工製作和維護,充滿日常感,設計簡約大方耐看,不過份做作,可融入每天的生活,並具有高品質保證!
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