Mini Storage Jar Set


Made of high quality and durable borosilicate glass, these beautiful and practical mini storage jars are dishwasher safe, easy to clean, and 100% recyclable. The acacia wood lid comes with a silicone ring for airtight sealing. There are two patterns to choose from. The 200 ml capacity is perfect for storing condiments, tea leaves, nuts and more. You can even put dried flowers into these jars as adorable home decorations.    

- Size: 6 x H 9 cm (200 ml)
- Material: Borosilicate glass, Acacia wood 
- Made in German
- Notes:

  • Glass bottle is dishwasher safe
  • Wipe the acacia lid with a damp cloth and dry directly so that it does not warp 

迷你玻璃儲存罐6入組 (2款)

德國品牌Eulenschnitt取生活為靈感,以充滿細節及質感的家居飾品與廚房用品,在歐洲地區廣受好評。此組迷你儲存罐由堅固的硼矽酸鹽玻璃製成,易於清潔且100%可回收,環保耐用。木蓋子内含密封矽膠環,上面更印有德文品牌標語,不僅美觀好看,也深具意涵。有愛心和點點兩款造型,200 ml的容量非常適合存放調味料、茶葉、堅果等,也可以放入乾燥花來當作居家擺飾,提升生活品味!

- 尺寸:6 x H 9 cm (200 ml)
- 材質:硼矽玻璃、金合歡木材
- 產地:德國
- 注意事項:

  • 玻璃瓶身可用洗碗機
  • 木質蓋在清潔後需保持乾燥,避免變形