Coup de bol Color Bowl 4.5"

$23.00 Regular price

The “cafe au lait” bowl originated in the 19th century. It is common in France to pour coffee and milk into a big bowl to enjoy for breakfast. The “Coup de bol” bowl, made in Japan, is smaller in size than the French style, and designed to fit in the palm. The layered edge and slightly concave bottom of the bowl make it easy to hold with either both hands or one hand. Available in five lovely colors, this bowl is also great as a rice bowl or a soup bowl, and you can feel the warmth slowly passing to your hands. 

- Size: 11.7 x H 7.6 cm (4.5" Dia, 390 ml)
- Material: Ceramic
- Made in Japan
- Notes: 
  • Microwave and dishwasher safe.
  • No oven or direct fire.
  • The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly. 

咖啡歐蕾碗起源於19世紀,法國人喜歡於早晨將咖啡跟牛奶一起倒入碗裡飲用,滿滿一大碗,充滿香濃幸福的味道。此款Coup de bol 是為日本人製作的歐蕾碗,比法式的尺寸較小,剛好捧在掌心。碗口設計了層緣,雙手捧起很穩定;底面微凹,單手也拿得輕鬆。五種討喜的溫柔顔色,隨心情挑選使用,平常也可用作飯碗或湯碗,感受著緩緩傳入手中的溫暖,秋冬季使用最適合不過了!

- 尺寸:11.7 x H 7.6 cm (4.5" Dia, 390 ml)
- 材質:陶器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:微波爐和洗碗機可用,烤箱不可用
- 使用方式