Mashiko Ware Relief Flower Round Plate 7"

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This Mashiko ware plate has a wide rim that features a Scandinavian-style relief pattern of small flowers and birds. The matte white tone exudes a faint classical atmosphere, which better brings out the color and texture of the food. With its moderate size of 7", this plate is perfect for both meals and snacks, bringing a romantic and relaxing atmosphere to the dining table!

- Size: 18 x H 2.5 cm (7" Dia)
- Material: Pottery
- Made in Japan
- Notes: 

  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • No oven or direct fire.
  • The glaze finish and texture might vary slightly.

益子燒 北歐風小花浮雕圓盤

來自職人手作的益子燒,此款北歐雜貨風格的寬邊小盤,將花園裡可愛的小花及小鳥以立體浮雕呈現在盤緣,十分精美。大方優雅的白釉,與簡約清新的設計,特別適合假日午後這樣的愜意情境使用。18 公分的中等尺寸,可靈活運用,輕鬆盛裝正餐、沙拉、零食甜點等,為日常增添舒心氛圍!

- 尺寸:18 x H 2.5 cm (7" Dia)
- 材質:陶器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用

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