Pola at home
Pola at home, a tableware selection store in Seoul, South Korea, has been established for seven years. Through the high-quality collection and stylish colors, they aim to add a little beauty and warmth on the dining table. You can freely mix and match to create your own table style.
創立至今已有七年的韓國首爾食器選物店 Pola at home,以「將美感與溫度駐留在餐桌上」為宗旨,透過溫柔且高品質的餐具食器,為每個家的場域空間注入溫暖。無論是魅力的莫蘭迪色調,迷人的馬卡龍色系,還是白釉黑點的文青風格,通過自由混搭,讓餐桌上不只有功能性用具,更多的是美感與質感,讓人感到舒服愉悅。
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