La Rochere
La Rochere has been producing artisanal glass in the heart of France for more than 500 years, making it the oldest continuously running glass factory in Europe. The company is recognized around the world for designing and producing authentic, high quality glassware with French style for today’s modern home.
來自法國的La Rochere,擁有百年玻璃工藝,使用厚實的玻璃,造就了較一般玻璃杯更加沉穩的手感。並研發出獨特的抛光手法,透過當地玻璃製作職人的純熟技術與巧手,打造各式精緻耐用、散發細膩光澤的玻璃器皿,將法式高雅藝術氣質融入現代生活,在許多歐洲餐廳内皆可發現它們的身影,高品質享譽全球!