Pink Oven Bowl with Handles 5"


It is not a problem if you do not have it, but it is convenient if you have it! This small bowl is a stylish and functional item that will make cooking even more fun. It has a round shape and handles on both sides, just look like a cute pot. The pink color with firing marks is lovely and natural. Made of heat-resistant material, it can be put in the oven and microwave, and then serve directly to the table. 

- Size: L 15 x W 12.5 x H 5.4 cm (5" Dia, 390 ml)
- Material: Heat-resistant ceramic
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe. No direct fire. 


此款像是一個小鍋子的可愛圓形烤缽,選用耐熱陶瓷材質打造,可直接放入烤箱、微波爐中烹飪,方便製作焗烤料理。雙耳手柄的設計,讓高溫下的端持移動更輕鬆,並以充滿自然雜點的粉紅色釉彩,呈現出既溫潤又新穎時尚的餐桌風格,推薦給喜歡製作 tapas、焗烤、燉菜等烤箱料理的人。

- 尺寸:L 15 x W 12.5 x H 5.4 cm (5" Dia, 390 ml)
- 材質:耐熱陶瓷
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱可用,直火不可用