Dragon Baby Cookware Set


New product in 2024 Chinese New Year (the year of dragon). With a mint cute design, this dragon cookware set includes pan, wok, and steamer, lid with the same diameter, which can be freely combined for different needs. It uses patented ecolon ceramic coating, which is non-toxic, non-stick, and easy to clean. It conducts heat quickly to save time and energy. Comes with a steamer, so that you can steam and boil at the same time. Get this bundle of cuteness and make the delicious food at home. It can satisfy from baby food to daily cooking. 

- Size:
Milk Pan L 32.5 x W 16 x H 9 cm (1500 ml)
Petit Wok L 32.5 x W 16 x H 5.5 cm (960 ml) 
Steamer 16 x H 5.5 cm
Lid 16 x H 6 cm

- Material: Special alloy containing titanium with ceramic coating, Tempered Glass, Silicone, Wood, Stainless steel

- Made in China (owned by Neoflam)
- Notes:

  • Compatible with electric, halogen, IH cooker, and gas stove top.
  • Dishwasher safe. No microwave or oven. 
  • Use soft sponge and neutral detergent to clean, no metal abrasives. 



鍋具經天然陶瓷環保層處理,不含有害金屬、無 PFAS,對人體安全無害。而且導熱快速均匀、省油省時、易清潔又不挑爐具,用途廣汎。蒸籠以 304 不鏽鋼打造,可同步進行蒸煮;湯鍋的雙向導流設計,並以矽膠材質包覆握把,倒牛奶、湯品都順手。小巧實用,從寶寶輔食到大人的料理都能滿足,讓小龍陪你一起享受料理時光!

- 尺寸:
湯鍋 L 32.5 x W 16 x H 9 cm (1500 ml)
炒鍋 L 32.5 x W 16 x H 5.5 cm (960 ml)
蒸籠 16 x H 5.5 cm
鍋蓋 16 x H 6 cm

- 材質:
蒸籠|SUS304 不鏽鋼

- 產地:中國(韓國 NEOFLAM 獨資)

- 注意事項:

  • 此商品導熱快速,建議使用小火,大小勿超過鍋面,以免延燒手把造成手把變色
  • 可適用於瓦斯爐、電爐、鹵素爐、黑晶爐、電磁爐
  • 洗碗機可用,微波爐、烤箱不可用
  • 不適用鐵刷及含金屬的菜瓜布,建議使用海綿或精緻鍋具專用菜瓜布清洗