Banko-yaki Brush Blue No. 8 Clay Pot (IH Compatible)


From the popular Brush Blue series, this clay pot has a modern Japanese style with large polka dots drawn on the lid. It is an IH earthenware pot that does not require a seal or metal plate for the first time. Banko-yaki earthenware pot has excellent conductivity and high heat resistance, and can retain the original flavor of the ingredients. No. 8 is a great size for serving 3-4 people for hot pot, stew dishes and more. 

- Size: L 28 x W 25.5 x H 10.5 cm (10" Dia)
- Material: Heat-resistant pottery
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Direct fire, IH cooker and oven safe. No dishwasher or microwave.

萬古燒 Brush Blue 8 號土鍋(IH 爐可用)

來自廣受歡迎的 Brush Blue 筆青系列,美麗的渲染漸層紋理,配上土鍋的大器個性,絕對能成為餐桌上的主角。由職人手工繪製,每只鍋都是獨一無二的呈現,內部還附有可對應 IH 爐的感應片,不管廚房是哪種爐具都可以使用。具有耐明火、耐熱性優異的特點,且陶鍋本身的蓄熱性也相當好,能讓食材徹底煮熟並保留其風味,烹飪用途廣泛,不僅適合冬季煮火鍋,還可用於西式燉菜,是讓人想圍在餐桌旁一起開心用餐的鍋皿!

- 尺寸:L 28 x W 25.5 x H 10.5 cm (10" Dia)
- 材質:耐熱陶器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:直火、IH 爐、烤箱可用,洗碗機、微波爐不可用