Triangular Pot Holder (L)


This triangular pot holder is the big version, which great for holding larger pots and lids. The round triangle design fits perfectly on the lid or handle of the pot. It is made of 100% cotton, soft and comfortable. With a stitch hook in the middle, it can be hung on the kitchen when is not in use. The gentle colors with simple patterns make it a nice cute gift to friends too.

- Size: W 16 x H 11.5 cm
- Material: Cotton, Polyester filling
- Made in Japan 


廣受好評的三角隔熱套系列,是品牌超熱賣的明星商品。此款大尺寸的設計,讓你在拿取鍋蓋、鍋身等體積較大、較重的容器時,能更省力安全。採用厚實柔軟的 100% 日本棉製作,手感舒適、隔熱效果佳。溫柔的色系搭配簡約的紋路,平時掛在廚房牆上還能裝飾空間,除了自用,也很適合作為禮物送人!

- 尺寸:W 16 x H 11.5 cm
- 材質:純棉、聚酯纖維填充
- 產地:日本