由島根縣的紫蘇專家精心研發,顛覆傳統柚子醋的風味,這款白柚醋不使用醬油,而是以鮮美高湯為基底,融合橙柚果香、天然海鹽與爽脆紫蘇籽,帶來清新獨特的口感。富含 α-亞麻酸、EPA、DHA 等 Omega-3,兼具美味與健康。昆布、柴魚、香菇與高級喉黑魚的鮮味交織,使料理更添層次,不含防腐劑與人工香料,為餐桌帶來純粹天然的美味享受。
- 規格:90 ml
- 產地:日本
- 保存期限:請見包裝標示
Shio Ponzu - Egoma White Ponzu
Ponzu sauce is commonly soy sauce based, but Shio Ponzu - White Ponzu is completely soy sauce free. Instead, it features umami-rich dashi broth, pleasing Daidai orange citrus, and salt along with crunchy Egoma (Perilla frutescens) seeds. O-san, an egoma-specialty food item manufacturer in Shimane Prefecture, developed this delicious and healthy ponzu featuring egoma seeds, that contain an abundance of α-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), all of which are omega-3 fatty acids. The umami comes from an exquisite blend of kombu kelp, bonito flakes, shiitake mushrooms, and the premium fish, Nodoguro (Blackthroat Seaperch). The light-colored ponzu adds a refreshing kick to a dish and enhances its savoriness at the same time. No preservatives or artificial flavorings are used.