Bela Pink Frying Pan 28cm


BELA, meaning "charming" in Portuguese, epitomizes the allure of the season with its vibrant peachy-pink hues inspired by the bountiful summers of the region. This frying pan boasts sleek and elegant designs, complemented by rounded beige knobs and handles, exuding a delightful blend of romance and sophistication.

Crafted with natural XTREMA ceramic coating, free from heavy metals and harmful PFAS substances, BELA offers outstanding heat conductivity and retention. Its concealed induction bottom ensures compatibility with various heat sources. With a certain depth, this 28cm frying pan is the most useful cookware for home cooking. 

- Size: L 50 x W 28 x H 12.5 cm (11" Dia, 3.75 L)

- Material: Special alloy containing titanium with ceramic coating, Tempered glass
- Made in South Korea
- Notes:
  • Compatible with IH induction, electric, radiant, and gas stove top.
  • Pot body is dishwasher safe. 
  • No microwave or oven.
  • PFC-free, PFOA-free, PFOS-free, PTFE-free, Lead-free
  • For best results, do not use abrasive cleaners, do not excessively preheat empty cookware. 

BELA 在葡萄牙文中有「迷人、美麗」之意,此系列以當地盛夏所產甜桃粉色調打造,簡約典雅的鍋身線條,搭配圓潤的米色鍋鈕與手柄,創造出甜美浪漫又靈動可愛的質感鍋具。此款28cm 鑄造炒鍋,使用天然 XTREMA 陶瓷塗層,不含重金屬、無 PFAS 有害物質。具有絕佳的蓄熱能力,只需小火烹調即可均勻導熱,美觀隱藏式電磁底,適用各種熱源,IH 爐也可以輕鬆感應,好清洗、省油、省能源,顏值控們一定要入手!

- 尺寸:L 50 x W 28 x H 8 cm (11" Dia, 3.75 L)

- 材質:特殊合金含鈦(陶瓷噴塗)、強化玻璃、不鏽鋼、電木
- 產地:韓國
- 注意事項:

  • 適用於瓦斯爐、電爐、鹵素爐、電磁爐(IH)、黑晶爐,洗碗機可用
  • 不適用於微波爐、烤箱
  • 此商品導熱快速,建議使用中、小火即可,可節約能源
  • 每次使用時,建議先小火預熱 30 秒熱鍋,再行料理,不沾效果更佳
  • 不適用鐵刷及含金屬的菜瓜布,建議使用海綿或精緻鍋具專用菜瓜布清洗
  • 避免使用金屬湯勺,建議使用木勺或矽膠勺,可延長鍋具使用壽命