Kakao Friends Choonsik Glass Bowl


This glass bowl features the little pet cat Choonsik, the character of South Korea's KAKAO FRIENDS. It is delicate, smooth and adorable. The handle design makes it more convenient to use. With a large capacity of 400ml, it can be used as both a cup and a bowl, great for holding Café au lait, yogurt cereal, fruit ice cream, hot chocolate and more. Moreover, it is suitable for popcorn and cookies too. Use your creativity to fill this cute bowl, and spend a relaxing meal time.

- Size: 400 ml
- Material: Glass
- Made in South Korea
- Notes: Dishwasher safe. No microwave or oven.


此款以韓國KAKAO FRIENDS的寵物貓咪春植為主題的玻璃杯也太好看了吧!圓潤的外觀,做工細膩光滑美觀,手柄設計令使用上更加便利。400ml 大容量,既可當杯子又可以當碗,非常適合盛裝咖啡歐蕾、優格麥片、水果冰淇淋、熱巧克力等等,就連爆米花、小餅乾都可以,發揮你的創意將這個可愛的杯碗填滿,度過一個舒心美好的餐飲時光!

- 尺寸:400 ml
- 材質:玻璃
- 產地:韓國
- 注意事項:洗碗機可用,微波爐、烤箱不可用