Sierra Outfitters Co. All Good Things in Life Enamel Mug



秋高氣爽,您是否也在為下一次旅行做準備呢?這款露營琺瑯杯,質地輕巧但非常堅固耐用,且不易沾氣味,不易留下污漬,容易清潔。杯口和手柄都有圓滑收口設計,能放心使用。紅色杯身配上可愛的森林小狐狸圖案,感覺溫暖,"All good things in life are wild and free" 讓人會心一笑、愛不釋手。陪伴您無論外出露營野餐,或是在家都能享受休閒時光喔!


  • 建議以海綿手洗,洗碗機洗時要正確擺放避免碰撞,因琺瑯製品受硬物撞擊時仍要小心破損
  • 因含有金屬,不可使用於微波爐
  • 篝火和爐灶安全,可直火加熱(瓦斯爐、烤肉架、焚火台)、電磁爐、入烤箱;高溫會使琺瑯製品邊緣燙手,建議使用隔熱手套
  • 由手工浸塗的琺瑯鋼板製成
  • 杯口和手柄均有雙層保護,以承受額外的磨損
  • 琺瑯製品表面易清潔、不殘留味道、在食安意識高漲的年代裡,是極安全的餐具
  • 手工琺瑯製品的外觀,特別是圖樣線條和邊緣部分會有不均勻的手工質樸感,或是少數小氣孔,此狀況並非瑕疵而是琺瑯製品的必經製程,也是每件手工品獨一無二的特質

    - 尺寸:W 3 x H 3 in
    - 容量:12 oz
    - 材質:琺瑯鋼板

    Ready to roll out to the back country and enjoy a nice cup of coffee? This hand dipped enamel mug is hardy and ready for your next trip. It is lightweight, not easy to attach smells, not easy to leave stains, and easy to clean. It has a cute appearance with red color and forest fox design, which makes you feel warm and welcoming. It can also be your best companion while you are working at home! 


    • Dishwasher safe.
    • Campfire and stove top safe, adventure proof.
    • Made with hand-dipped enamel steel.
    • Rim and handle are double dipped to withstand extra wear.

    - Size: W 3 x H 3 in
    - Capacity: 12 oz
    - Material: Enamel steel