Vegetable Shredded Peeler

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With a blister type design, this shredded peeler is multi-purpose and convenient to use. The blade is made of 3 mm wide serrated stainless steel, which is sharp and can cut things into finer pieces effectively and quickly. The natural wood handle is easy to grip and comfortable for your hand. Bring it home now, and it will be your great kitchen helper!

- Size: L 18.3 x W 5.2 x H 2.1 cm
- Material: Natural wood, Stainless steel
- Made in Japan
- Note: Hand wash only. After use, place to dry before storage. 


這款由日本「小柳產業」出品的刨絲刀,造型簡單,方便易用。使用燕三条的高品質不鏽鋼打造,帶有3 mm 鋸齒狀的銳利刀片只需輕輕一劃,便能有效快速地刨出餐廳等級的細絲,十分適合製作牛蒡、紅蘿蔔等細絲佳餚,用過一次就能深深體悟「工欲善其事,必先利其器」的重要性。天然木手柄的握感舒適,不添加接著劑不上漆,保留原始木作的美感,讓廚房添加溫暖色彩,是個能讓料理更加得心應手的必備工具!

- 尺寸:L 18.3 x W 5.2 x H 2.1 cm
- 材質:天然木,不鏽鋼
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:請手洗為主,木製品每次使用完畢後,要放在通風處晾乾後再收納