This adorable Snoopy-themed tape measure makes measuring more fun! With a length of 2 meters, it’s perfect for everyday use, DIY projects, and more. The automatic retractable design ensures easy operation, while its compact and lightweight build makes it convenient to carry. A must-have for Snoopy fans and those who love practical tools!
- Size:
5.3 x 5.3 x 1.8 cm
- Material: ABS
- Print in Japan, Made in China
Snoopy 自動捲尺 2m
可愛的 Snoopy 圖案捲尺,讓測量變得更有趣!長度達 2 公尺,無論是日常生活還是手作 DIY,都能輕鬆測量。內建自動回捲設計,使用方便,不佔空間,輕巧易攜帶,是 Snoopy 迷與實用主義者的必備小物!
- 尺寸:
5.3 x 5.3 x 1.8 cm
材質:ABS 樹脂
- 日本印刷、中國製造