Deodorant Tool For Washing Machine


Just pop it in the washing machine, this small bag keeps your washing tub antibacterial, antifungal, deodorant, and clean. It uses materials that are also used in cosmetics, so it is safe and skin friendly. Approximately 30 times of use when using 50 to 70 L of water per wash, but varies depending on usage conditions. 

- Size: L 12.5 x W 12.5 x H 1.5 cm
- Material: Vapor-decoloring antibacterial anti-mold sheet, Non-woven fabric
- Made in Japan
- Notes: 

  • When use, remove the product from the transparent bag, but do not tear the white non-woven fabric bag. 
  • Put it in the laundry and detergent (softener) and wash it until it is dehydrated. Remove this product when using a dryer. 
  • Leave the product in the washing tub after washing. 
  • If mold has already grown, we recommend cleaning it before use. 
  • When the color of the product becomes very light, it is time to replace it. 


夏天氣候潮濕悶熱,衣服的清潔也更加重要,日本媽咪大推的 ECODEO 抗菌消臭片,不只能提升洗滌的清潔力,還可以同時保養洗衣機,讓所有穿在身上的衣物都像新的一樣乾淨、舒服。消臭片採用化妝品等級材質,直接接觸肌膚也安全不過敏,輕鬆丟入洗衣機,抗菌、防霉、除臭一舉三得,全家人的衣服都能用,超級方便!

- 尺寸:L 12.5 x W 12.5 x H 1.5 cm
- 材質:蒸發脫色抗菌抗真菌片(對氯甲氧基甲氧基PCMX / 紙漿)、無紡布
- 產地:日本

- 使用方式:

  1. 從透明袋中取出產品(請勿撕開白色無紡布袋)
  2. 與衣物、洗滌劑一起放入,洗滌至脫水(使用烘乾機時請先拿出本產品)
  3. 洗滌後可將消臭片留在洗衣機中

- 注意事項:

  • 若為滾筒式洗衣機,請將本產品放入洗衣網袋中使用。
  • 洗衣水量 50L-70L 時,約可使用 30 回,實際次數會隨使用情況而有所改變。
  • 消臭片會隨著使用而顏色變淡,其顏色不會轉移到衣物上。
  • 若消臭片顏色變很淺,請更換新的使用。