Kakao Friends Double Glass Cup


This glass cup features the little lion Ryan and his pet cat Choonsik, the character of South Korea's KAKAO FRIENDS. The round tumbler shape makes their cute appearance even more adorable. The double-layer glass design not only prevents heat from burning your hands, but also provides better insulation, making it suitable for both hot and cold drinks. The workmanship is delicate, smooth and beautiful, so it is a good choice for gifts too.

- Size: L 10 x H 9.5 cm (220 ml, -20℃ ~ 120℃)
- Material: Glass
- Made in South Korea
- Notes: Dishwasher safe. No microwave or oven.


此款以韓國KAKAO FRIENDS的當家主角小獅子萊恩,還有他的寵物貓咪春植為主題的玻璃杯也太可愛了吧!圓滾滾的外觀,加上不倒翁的倒立造型,令他們可愛模樣更加呆萌。選用雙層玻璃設計,既隔熱不會燙到手,還能更加保溫,無論熱飲冷飲都適合。做工細膩光滑美觀,也是送禮的好選擇,大人小孩都愛不釋手!

- 尺寸:L 10 x H 9.5 cm (220 ml, -20℃ ~ 120℃)
- 材質:玻璃
- 產地:韓國
- 注意事項:洗碗機可用,微波爐、烤箱不可用