

以高知宗田鰹魚和普通鰹魚兩種柴魚片混和製作,絕妙的鮮味平衡,能為料理帶來恰到好處的調味。醋的部分來自有 150 年歷史的本地醋釀造廠,遵循傳統工藝,不添加任何非天然成分,用完後還能再自行加入米醋,利用瓶中的柴魚片再做一瓶,經濟實惠又美味,做醋飯、醃肉、沙拉都用得上。

-規格:105 g
-保存期限:15 個月(未開封且正常條件保存)

Dashi-Infused Rice Vinegar, 3.66 floz

Shimanto Domeki’s Dashi-Infused Rice Vinegar is unique in the way in which large shavings of bonito flakes and rice vinegar sealed in the same bottle, creating an umami-rich, dashi-flavored vinegar. It’s a simple technique but it’s an effective way to extract umami from the bonito flakes, and you’ll also notice a pleasant dashi aroma as you open the bottle. Made by blending two types of bonito flakes (Soda-gatsuo, harvested in the company’s home of Kochi Prefecture, and regular katsuo), it exhibits a robust and wonderful balance of umami. The vinegar used in the product is crafted by a local vinegar brewer with 150 years of history by using traditional and natural production methods without any additives.