日本山新 頂級松露白醬油


這瓶讓人一嚐驚艷的松露白醬油,以小麥大豆 9:1 的比例打造,熟成時間短,但是鹹味比甘味來得重,並擁有美麗的琥珀色澤,可快速提出魚蝦的鮮味,同時保持魚肉的白皙亮澤感,非常適合當作壽司醬使用。而其除了日本正宗醬油味,更融入了法國松露的濃厚泥土氣息,輕點幾滴就能展現強烈的風味,可用做刺身、雞蛋、牛排的點綴醬。

-規格:150 g

Truffle-Infused Shiro Shoyu (White Soy Sauce), 5 floz

It’s hard to believe that a soy sauce having a beautiful amber color can maintain a substantial umami and earthy flavor. But if you taste even a tiny bit of Truffle-Infused Shiro Shoyu (White Soy Sauce), you will understand that the impossible can be possible. Shiro shoyu, first of all, is a type of soy sauce made with an unusually high wheat content—nine parts wheat to one part soybeans. Unlike other common soy sauces, which have one part wheat to one part soybeans, shiro shoyu exhibits a pale color and distinctive sweetness. This type of soy sauce is rare yet has traditionally been produced in the Mikawa region (currently Hekinan City in Aichi Prefecture) for centuries. Hi-end Japanese restaurants have prized shiro shoyu because of its unique features that complement the flavors of the ingredients and retain their color at the same time.