紫峰之滴 柚子醬油


Made from seawater and seaweed, both sourced from the Seto Inland Sea, Hakata Salt’s Moshio exhibits a mildly salty flavor with a gentle bitterness from nigari (bittern) and umami from seaweed. This unique salt is crafted by using a traditional, previously abandoned production method—soaking Hondawara variety seaweed in seawater, naturally thickening it in salt fields under the sun to make brine, and then boiling it down. The salt boasts elegant layers of flavors and a fine, delicate texture. To appreciate its beautiful flavor, it’s recommended to be used as a finishing salt for dishes like grilled fish, onigiri rice balls, cold tofu, and carpaccio.

由有 330 年歷史的日本茨城縣柴沼醬油廠出品,遵循傳統木桶釀造法製作,將純正生醬油與柚子柑橘結合,創造出甜、鹹、酸、鮮完美平衡的風味,清爽而濃郁的滋味,可搭配烤魚、牡蠣、牛排、餃子、涮涮鍋一起品嚐,也非常適合生牛肉片、沙拉、豆腐等冷盤。

-規格:300 ml