HMM W Glass Mug


The glasses are made by local craftsmen of Taiwan using recycled glass. Inspired by the concept of the cycle of life, the hours of the clock are transformed into twelve elegant angles. Utilizing glass-dyeing technique, the glasses are given a mature, amber hue, creating unique aesthetics through the inter-reaction of the glass, light, and contained beverage. The integrated glass handle is practical and heat-proof, the tapered bottom allows easy stacking, easy cleaning. 

- Size: 11.7 x 8.9 x H 8.1 cm (300 ml)
- Material: Recycled glass
- Made in Taiwan

- Note: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No electric pot. 

台灣職人手作玻璃杯 (3色)

玻璃杯 W Glass 的源起是一場美好的合作。HMM 使用來自台灣最大玻璃回收場「春池」的廢棄玻璃,由台灣在地工匠手工製作,打造出 100% 可回收的玻璃杯。此杯以「生生不息」作為設計概念,將時鐘的刻度轉化成十二面優雅稜角,時間推動日光,日光照射玻璃,在品嚐飲品時產生交互的美感。秉持 HMM 的秩序美學,玻璃杯 W Glass 一體成形,把手實用防燙,漸縮的圓形底部能讓杯身交互堆疊,外方內圓便於清理。供有三種顔色,美觀實用又環保,是讓人越用越上癮的日常杯器,并獲得多項設計大獎,值得推廣!

- 尺寸:11.7 x 8.9 x H 8.1 cm (300 ml)
- 材質:硼矽酸玻璃
- 產地:台灣
- 注意事項:洗碗機可用,使用微波爐請避免溫差過大,不可電鍋加熱