Natural Kitchen Sponge


This kitchen sponge has excellent foaming, draining and durability. Only little soap, it can wash all kinds of dishes such glass, ceramics and plastics. It is a sponge with a rough skeleton structure, so it drains well and is hygienic without being slimy. Since no abrasives are used, it will not damage the tableware. 

- Size: L 11 x W 7.2 x H 3.5 cm
- Material: Soft polyurethane (up to 90°C)
- Made in Japan


日本主婦強力推薦的洗碗海綿,以細緻的網狀結構打造,擁有超強起泡力,只需少少洗碗精就能搓出很多泡泡,替你省下清洗時間與清潔劑用量!海綿材質柔軟且富彈性,不含磨料成分,不怕傷到心愛餐具,無論用在玻璃、陶器、塑料都不用擔心。不易變形且排水性好,洗完後馬上就乾,避免產生異味或滋生細菌,在日本樂天和亞馬遜的評比結果都更勝 3M!

- 尺寸:L 11 x W 7.2 x H 3.5 cm
- 材質:軟質聚氨酯橡膠(耐熱溫度 90°C)
- 產地:日本