Nikii Rice Insect Repellent Box


Developed exclusively by Japanese brand &NE, this insect repellent box can get rid of the 4 major pests on rice with an unique combination of 6 types of plant ingredients: cardamom, nutmeg, garlic, perilla, bamboo, and chili pepper. It expels the pests that attach to rice, making the rice best quality and last longer. Simply place it in the rice container and it will work for one year. Made from 100% biodegradable plastic made from corn, this box is environmentally friendly, and can be naturally decomposed by bacteria in soil. It is a great kitchen helper for rice lovers!

- Size: 5 x H 2 cm (20 g)
- Material: Botanical ingredients
- Made in Japan
- Notes:

  • Expired 1 year after opening.
  • Each repellent box is suitable for rice up to 10 kg.
  • Do not open the cartridge case.


來自日本 &NE 的全新研發之作,此防蟲盒子獨家使用 6 種植物成分:小荳蔻、肉荳蔻、大蒜、紫蘇、竹子、辣椒,簡單放置在儲藏米粒的罐子或袋子中,即可消滅四大常見米蟲,用全天然原料保持每日米飯的新鮮,非常厲害!除蟲劑功效長達一年,其塑膠包裝更可被 100% 分解,環保又有效,是米飯愛好者的厨房必備好物!

- 尺寸:5 x H 2 cm (20 g)
- 材質:植物成分
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:

  • 保存期限:開封使用後 1 年
  • 每盒適用為 10 公斤內的米量除蟲
  • 請勿打開商品彈殼