The preserved tree series is designed with the concept of the preserved flowers, delicately preserving crystal tree in the glass dome, which is a beautiful and energetic decoration in any room. The Montagne crystals are 100% natural, high-quality, and all passed the gemstone identification.
This full-effect fortune tree contains seven kinds of crystals, which will bring you popularity, peace, love, confidence, good luck, wealth and power. The colorful colors will nicely brighten the space no matter where they are placed. Because of its wide range of functions, it is a great gift to your friends too!
- Size: 5.5 x 8 cm
- Made in Taiwan
- Instructions:
- Simply clean the dust on crystals.
- Spread the crystal branches out to make a nice tree shape.
- Cover it by the glass dome, and then make a wish.
永生水晶樹 - 彩晶 全效 x 通用
此 Preserved 永生樹系列,以永生花為設計概念,用防塵玻璃盅精美保存水晶樹,小巧的體積搭配永恆的水晶,是點綴空間的最佳飾品。台灣知名品牌 Montagne 取自於山嵐孕育的天然水晶,傾注最真實的能量,皆通過寶石鑑定,品質有保證,自由擺放在家裡各處或辦公室,將好運、好磁場圍繞身旁!
包含 6 種水晶組合的全效開運樹,將為你帶來人緣、平安、愛情、自信、好運、氣場、聚財等力量。繽紛的六彩色澤,不論擺在哪個位置都具有點綴、明亮空間的效果,既動人又充滿祝福涵意!
- 尺寸:5.5 x 8 cm
- 產地:台灣
- 使用方法:
- 簡單清潔水晶石上的粉塵
- 將水晶樹枝撥開成自己喜歡的形狀,象徵開枝散葉
- 蓋上玻璃盅,將水晶消磁及許願