My Mag Essentials 澳洲舒眠鎂乳霜
My Mag Essentials
For the past seven years, My Mag Essentials has empowered thousands of individuals to combat magnesium deficiency and reclaim their well-being. Our journey began when my partner, engaged in physically demanding work, found relief and renewed energy through daily use of magnesium oils. Inspired by the remarkable effects but seeking a gentler alternative to the tingling sensation, we developed our own formula that is both effective and soothing on the skin.
Since 2014, My Mag Essentials has provided high-quality magnesium skincare solutions crafted with a commitment to environmental sustainability, using naturally sourced ingredients and biodegradable packaging. As a mother, these magnesium products have been my go-to for relaxation, helping me unwind at night and quickly fall back asleep after caring for my daughter.
At My Mag Essentials, we specialize in magnesium-enriched bath and body products to help individuals alleviate symptoms of magnesium deficiency, from pain and fatigue to stress and discomfort, so they can feel revitalized and whole again.
All the products are made in Austrilia with top quality and ethical production standards.
在過去的十年裡,My Mag Essentials 成為數千人改善健康生活的首選夥伴!我們不僅僅是鎂護膚品的品牌,而是您的健康守護者。品牌故事源於一個簡單的需求:我的伴侶從事體力工作,使用鎂油來緩解疲勞,但刺痛感總讓人卻步。我們想要更溫和卻同樣有效的解決方案,於是研發了全新的舒眠鎂乳霜——一款能溫和呵護肌膚、強力舒緩的鎂乳產品!