Fika Griddle Pan 34cm

$89.00 Regular price $95.00

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Create your favorite grill recipes with Neoflam's latest product. With an induction cooker bottom and a large 34 cm flat surface, this grill pan will ensure perfect grilling every time and the removable cooking surface makes it easy to clean up after use. It uses patented non-toxic ecolon ceramic coating, which provides superior nonstick performance and high heat conductivity. 

- Size: L 42 x W 34 x H 3.5 cm (13.5" Dia)
- Material: Special alloy containing titanium with ceramic coating
- Made in China
- Notes: 

  • Compatible with electric cooker, IH cooker, gas stove top, and oven.
  • Dishwasher safe. No microwave. 
  • For best results, do not use abrasive cleaners.
  • Use wooden or plastic utensils instead of metal utensils. 


來自顏值代表 FIKA 系列的烤盤,讓你在家也能享受露營的氛圍。美觀隱藏式電磁爐底,獨家陶瓷塗層,不含重金屬、PFAS 等有害物質,並採用一體成形的設計,清潔起來輕鬆不費力。34 cm 平面大尺寸,可擺上豐盛的肉類、蔬菜食材,在快速導熱的盤面上煎炒,煮出一道道餐廳等級的料理。不挑爐具、IH 爐適用,想要跟家人一起在餐桌上吃烤肉,這款一定要帶回家!

- 尺寸:L 42 x W 34 x H 3.5 cm (13.5" Dia)
- 材質:特殊合金含鈦成份(陶瓷噴塗)
- 產地:中國

- 注意事項:

  • 適用於洗碗機、瓦斯爐、電爐、電磁爐、烤箱;不適用於微波爐
  • 欲使用電磁爐(IH爐),務必先行空鍋感應確認爐具是否適用,再行開鍋使用
  • 此鍋具導熱快速,建議使用小火烹煮,烹煮前先下油及熱鍋,效果更佳
  • 不適用鐵刷、含金屬之菜瓜布、金屬鍋鏟。建議使用海綿、精緻鍋具專用菜瓜布、木鏟或矽膠鏟,可延長鍋具使用壽命