Midas Plus Ribbit 4-Piece Cookware Set

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With a pink cute design, this Midas Plus Rabbit cookware set includes frying pan, saucepan, lid and detachable handle for daily cooking needs. It uses patented ecolon ceramic coating, which is non-toxic, non-stick, and easy to clean. It conducts heat quickly to save time and energy. The fully detachable , double locking handle makes the cooking and storage even more easier. Get this bundle of cuteness and make the delicious food at home. 

- Size:
Frying Pan 24 cm x H 5 cm (1800 ml)
Saucepan 20 x H 7 cm (1700 ml)
Glass Lid 20 x H 6 cm
Detachable Handle L 18 x H 3.5 cm

- Material: Special alloy containing titanium with ceramic coating, Tempered Glass, Silicone, Wood

- Made in China (owned by Neoflam)
- Notes:

  • Compatible with electric, radiant, IH cooker, and gas stove top. No microwave.
  • Pot body is dishwasher and oven safe. 
  • PFC-free, PFOA-free, PFOS-free, PTFE-free, Lead-free
  • Use soft sponge and neutral detergent to clean, no metal abrasives. 


可愛又好用的 Midas Plus 陶瓷塗層小兔系列鍋具組,不挑爐具、適用所有熱源,將是你料理的最佳後備!含炒鍋、平底鍋、鍋蓋與可拆式把手,整套可堆疊收納,將把手拆除後亦可直接將料理端上桌,方便又省力。還有超萌的立體兔子陪你下廚,為烹飪增添樂趣!


- 尺寸:
平底鍋 24 cm x H 5 cm (1800 ml)
小炒鍋 20 x H 7 cm (1700 ml)
矽膠玻璃蓋 20 x H 6 cm
可拆式把手 L 18 x H 3.5 cm

- 材質:

-產地:中國(韓國 NEOFLAM 獨資)

- 注意事項:

  • 此商品導熱快速,建議使用小火,大小勿超過鍋面,以免延燒手把造成手把變色
  • 適用於瓦斯爐、電爐、鹵素爐、黑晶爐、電磁爐,微波爐不可用
  • 鍋身可放洗碗機、烤箱
  • 可拆式手把不適安裝於Midas以外的鍋具,當手把安裝於鍋具時,請勿晃動甩動鍋具,烹煮時,請勿安裝手把。
  • 不適用鐵刷及含金屬的菜瓜布,建議使用海綿或精緻鍋具專用菜瓜布清洗