OHARA 低卡蒟蒻米

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使用日本國產蒟蒻粉打造,有 60 年蒟蒻製造經驗的 OHARA,以獨家研發的澱粉及蒟蒻粉比例製成,2.5 倍的吸水率更勝白米,擁有與米飯相同的口感,但保留了更豐富的膳食纖維,是芹菜的 27 倍!低卡、低碳水,簡單加入白飯一起蒸煮,即可輕鬆減少醣類、熱量的攝取,還能長期保存不怕變質,是現代飲食中不可缺少的食材!

-規格:60 g / 包(一袋共 5 包 300 g)
-保存期限:12 個月(未開封且正常條件保存)

Konjac Grain - Shirataki Rice, 10.58 oz

When looking at these white, rice-shaped granules of Konjac Grain - Shirataki Rice, you could never imagine how beneficial they are for your body. Made from Japanese konjac (konnyaku) roots, known as konjac or devil’s tongue in the U.S., these granules are low in calories and carbohydrates, gluten-free, and rich in dietary fiber—konjac actually contains 27 times more fiber than celery. Unlike conventional konnyaku products, which are wet and come in either blocks or noodle form, Konjac Grain - Shirataki Rice comes as small dried granules. It has a long shelf life and can easily be incorporated into your cooking repertoire regardless of the type of cuisine.