Series with distinctive design and profound colors inspired by classical cafes or long established pasticcerias of Italy. Treat yourself or entertain guests with baked sweets and a cup of bitter espresso, or enjoy wine with cheese and dried fruits. Indulge in a special ambience with BASTIONE!
-Size: 8.5 x H 8.8 cm (Dia 3.5”, 210 ml)
-Material: Pottery
-Made in Japan
- Microwave and dishwasher safe.
- No oven or direct fire.
- The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly.
以義大利百年咖啡廳老店為靈感,Bastione 系列獨特的設計和深邃色彩,為餐桌營造出歷久彌新的氛圍。款待自己或招待客人時,用精緻杯皿品嚐濃縮咖啡,再搭配美味的烘焙甜點,或享受葡萄酒與起司、乾果的組合都很適合,一起沉浸在這懷舊特別的氛圍中吧!
-尺寸:直徑 8.5 x 高 8.8 cm (Dia 3.5”,容量 210 ml)
-材質:陶器(studio m' 素材號碼 1)