Chou Chou Rolled Omelet Pan - IH Compatible


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"Chou Chou", a term of endearment in French, features a gentle and sweet hazelnut milk tea color paired with a rounded and playful design, making each cooking session a intimate dialogue with oneself. With a natural XTREMA ceramic coating, free from heavy metals and harmful PFAS substances, this frying pan is compatible with gas stoves, induction cooktops, and IH stoves. The one-piece molded body ensures easy cleaning without any hidden corners for dirt.

With its compact square shape, it serves as a handy mini frying pan, perfect for cooking fluffy thick omelettes, scrambled eggs, and pan-fried dumplings. Its ergonomically designed perfect angled curvature allows for effortless flipping and rolling of multi-layered beautiful omelettes. If you want to make fail-proof Japanese-style rolled omelets, this is the perfect choice!

- Size: L 33 x W 15 x H 4.5 cm (6" Dia, 910 ml)
- Material: Special alloy containing titanium with ceramic coating, Wood
- Made in South Korea
- Notes:

  • Compatible with IH induction, electric, radiant, and gas stove top.
  • No dishwasher, microwave or oven.
  • For best results, do not use abrasive cleaners, do not excessively preheat empty cookware.

咻咻鑄造迷你煎蛋鍋 15cm - 全覆底(電磁底)

“Chou Chou” 是法文中對戀人的親密昵稱。此系列以柔和甜美的榛果奶茶色搭配圓潤俏皮造型,使每次烹飪都是一段與自己的親密對話。採用全天然 XTREMA 陶瓷塗層,不含重金屬、無 PFAS 有害物質,瓦斯爐、電磁爐、IH 爐等都可使用。鍋身一體成形,無死角好清潔,不藏汙納垢。方形小巧的造型,可作為懶人小煎鍋使用,Q 彈厚蛋、炒蛋、煎餃通通好上手,符合力學設計的完美斜角弧度,可輕鬆翻捲出多層次的美型蛋捲,想零失敗做玉子燒,用這款準沒錯!

- 尺寸:L 33 x W 15 x H 4.5 cm (6" Dia, 910 ml)
- 材質:特殊鋁鈦合金(陶瓷噴塗)、電木
- 產地:韓國
- 注意事項:

  • 適用於瓦斯爐、電爐、鹵素爐、電磁爐(IH)
  • 洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱不可用
  • 此商品導熱快速,建議使用中、小火即可,可節約能源
  • 每次使用時,建議先小火預熱 30 秒熱鍋,再行料理,不沾效果更佳
  • 不適用鐵刷及含金屬的菜瓜布,建議使用海綿或精緻鍋具專用菜瓜布清洗
  • 避免使用金屬湯勺,建議使用木勺或矽膠勺,可延長鍋具使用壽命