The beloved Miffy brings you this adorable mug set, featuring large, charming Miffy illustrations on a minimalist design that's full of playful charm. These mugs are irresistible and perfect as a thoughtful, delightful gift. The set adds a touch of warmth and cuteness to everyday life, making it a joy to use!
-Size: 9 x H 8 cm
-Material: Ceramic
-Made in Japan
-Notes: No dishwasher, microwave, oven or direct fire.
Miffy 陶瓷馬克杯 2 入組
超人氣的 miffy 推出了這款可愛對杯組,杯身印有大大的 miffy 圖案,設計簡潔又充滿童趣,讓人愛不釋手!成套的設計非常適合作為小巧別緻的禮物,為生活增添溫暖與可愛氣息。
-尺寸:直徑 9 x 高 8 cm