Windmill Lightweight Deep Plate 8.5"


This deep plate features beautiful radial lines that evoke the image of a windmill spinning along the riverbank, filled with dynamism. The combination of the soft off-white glaze and the brown rim outline creates an understated luxury feel for the table. With a practical 8.5" size, the lightweight material makes it easy to handle, whether preparing meals or cleaning up afterwards. This plate is an elegant choice to enhance the dining experience.

- Size: 22 x H 4.5 cm (8.5" Dia)
- Material: Porcelain 
- Made in Japan
- Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No oven or direct fire. 


來自 M-mode 系列的深盤,美麗細緻的放射狀線條,仿若河堤上的風車在風中旋轉,充滿動感與詩意。溫柔和煦的米白色釉彩,搭配盤緣棕色圈勾勒出輪廓,為餐桌營造出低調的奢華氣質。帶有深度的大盤尺寸在日常生活中相當實用,輕量的設計也使得端持更方便,無論是備餐還是後續的清洗過程都輕鬆自在,是提升用餐體驗的優雅之選!

- 尺寸:22 x H 4.5 cm (8.5" Dia)
- 材質:瓷器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:洗碗機、微波爐可用,烤箱、直火不可用