Trio Cat Bowl 5.5”


The beloved Shichita Cat series is back with an all-new release! This time, not only are there three adorable cats with wide, curious eyes, but the bowl edges also feature a wavy embossed design, adding a touch of cuteness and elegance to your daily meals. The matte finish gives off a rustic yet mature vibe. The 14 cm bowl is perfect for serving jelly, yogurt, salads, or soups, and the 5-piece gift set also makes it an ideal choice for birthdays, weddings, or housewarming gifts!

-Size: 14 x H 3 cm(5.5” Dia)
-Material: Porcelain
-Made in Japan
-Notes: Dishwasher and microwave safe. No direct fire or oven.


廣受喜愛的 Shichita 貓咪系列再次推出全新作品!這次不只有三隻瞪大眼睛的萌萌貓咪,更在碗緣加入了波浪浮雕,讓每日的餐桌時光更加可愛優雅。質樸的霧面質感,散發沉穩與成熟的氣息。14 公分的碗皿,盛裝果凍、優格、沙拉、濃湯都十分適合,5 入組的禮盒設計,更是生日、新婚、喬遷禮的理想選擇!

-尺寸:直徑 14 x 高 3 cm(5.5” Dia)