Nature Wood Fork Stirrer


This warm and cute fork is made of Indonesian fruit tree called Sao tree, which features very beautiful wood grain and a unique gradation from beige to red color. It is unparalleled in hardness and extremely difficult to process. Each piece was painstakingly carved by the hands of craftsmen. With a long handle and small tip, this fork can easily extend to a glass cup, making it convenient for stirring and getting fruits to eat.

- Size:
Large L 19 x  W 1.5 x H 0.8 cm
Small L 13 x W 1.5 x H H 0.7 cm 

- Material: Sao wood 
- Made in Indonesia
- Notes: 

  • No dishwasher, microwave or oven.
  • There are color differences due to natural materials.


由印尼人心果樹 Sao tree 製成,此叉子具有非常美麗的木頭紋理和獨特的漸層顏色。每一件作品都經過工匠之手精心雕刻而成,這種天然木材的硬度相當高,加工難度極大,使用上也更為耐用。有款兩尺寸,比一般款式更長的手柄,可輕鬆伸入飲料杯或玻璃瓶中,方便攪拌、插取水果和小菜來吃。木質獨有的柔和觸感,讓你每次使用都能倍感溫暖!

- 尺寸:
大 L 19 x  W 1.5 x H 0.8 cm
小 L 13 x W 1.5 x H H 0.7 cm 

- 材質:天然木材
- 產地:印度尼西亞
- 注意事項:

  • 洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱不可用
  • 因採用天然材料,所以顏色略有不同