A Little Mini Vase


With the cute outlook and bright colors, this little vase is quite suitable placed on the dining table, bathroom, or kitchen. It is a delicate and space-saving decoration. You can put a flower plant like mint or rosemary for cooking. And it can also be used to hold a small amount of sauces. 

- Size: L 4.9 x W 4.3 x H 10 (80 ml)
- Material: Porcelain
- Made in Japan

A little 系列是容量80 ml 的小花瓶,除了能夠盛裝少量的醬料,其小巧的瓶身,配上鮮豔的色彩,也相當適合作為放置在餐桌、洗手間或廚房的花器。精緻且不佔空間的點綴,隨意插上一株花朵植物便十分好看,不管是要種薄荷、迷迭香來當作下廚的香料,還是插上亮眼的小花佈置空間,簡單的改變就帶來不同凡響的氛圍!

- 尺寸:L 4.9 x W 4.3 x H 10 (80 ml)
- 材質:磁器
- 產地:日本