Bouleau Au Lait Bowl 5"


Bouleau in French refers to a white birch. This bowl is named because the surface of it looks like a white birch. There are exquisite charms such as shades of blue on the rim, irregularities of the glaze, blurriness and baked nuances. With a capacity of 480 ml, it can easily serve soup, café au lait, milk cereal, or fruit yogurt. It can also be used as a serving bowl for rice, curry, or stew meats.  

- Size: 12.9 x H 6.8 cm (5" Dia, 480 ml)
- Material: Ceramic
- Made in Japan
- Notes:

  • Microwave safe.
  • No dishwasher, oven, or direct fire. 
  • The glaze finish or texture might vary slightly. 

Bouleau 在法語是白樺,此款歐蕾碗使用紅土疊加青色,燒製後就創造出灰綠色的沉穩氣質,搭配由職人手工削刻出來的紋路,碗面表情猶如白樺樹木,充分展現器皿自然而古樸的氣息。圓碗有著斜面的弧度,讓端持手感更好、更穩固。480 ml 的容量,無論湯品、牛奶麥片、水果優格都能輕鬆盛裝,也可以作為鹹食餐點如咖哩、燉肉、白飯的容器,相當實用!

- 尺寸:12.9 x H 6.8 cm (5" Dia, 480 ml)
- 材質:陶器
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:微波爐可用,洗碗機、烤箱、直火不可用